世界風情畫「世界綠都-荷蘭阿姆斯特丹」印象派大師-莫內(Light )風格油彩畫作#2


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世界風情畫「世界綠都-荷蘭阿姆斯特丹」印象派大師-莫內(Light )風格油彩畫作#2



阿姆斯特丹,有時也稱其為荷京,是荷蘭首都及最大城市,位於該國西部省份北荷蘭省。根據2008年1月的統計數據,這座城市人口達747,290人,是歐洲第6大都市圈。 市內許多地勢低於海平面1至5米,故有「北方威尼斯」之稱。市中心以阿姆斯特爾河為護城河,全市由運河及溝渠形成90多個小島和1600多座橋樑,環狀運河與美麗特殊的橋樑,讓首都的市景美不勝收;以風車、木屐、鬱金香、山形建築及美麗的運河做為城市印象的阿姆斯特丹,全市的面積並不太大,梵谷美術館、水壩廣場、阿姆斯特丹歷史博物館等許多著名景點也相當聚集,這裡也是歐洲商務發展的重要據點之一,與全球知名的智能環保城市,全市中有37%的市民以腳踏車代步,2008年並被評選為「全球最綠城市」第一名。

「水壩廣場」位於阿姆斯特丹市中心,素有「阿姆斯特丹的肚臍」之稱,是阿姆斯特丹的地標性建築,從阿姆斯特丹中央火車站沿「達姆拉克大街」步行五分鐘可達。阿姆斯特丹的名字 – Amsterdam,乃源自於Amstel河邊的水壩之名。水壩廣場上最醒目的建築是阿姆斯特丹王宮,外觀非常宏偉、美輪美奐充滿文化藝術氣息。






#世界風情畫「世界綠都-荷蘭阿姆斯特丹」採用印象派大師-莫內(Light )風格之油彩畫作。

#世界風情畫「世界綠都-荷蘭阿姆斯特丹」採用印象派大師-莫內(Light )風格油彩畫作,限量發行 1 個vibe。

Painting theme: Green Capital of the World - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam, sometimes called the Netherlands, is the capital and largest city of the Netherlands, located in the country's western province of Noord-Holland. According to January 2008 statistics, the city has a population of 747,290 and is the 6th largest metropolitan area in Europe. Many of the city's terrain is 1 to 5 meters below sea level, so it is known as the "Venice of the North". The city center is moated by the Amstel River. The city is composed of canals and ditches to form more than 90 small islands and more than 1,600 bridges. The circular canals and beautiful and special bridges make the city of the capital unbelievably beautiful; windmills, clogs, tulips , mountain-shaped buildings and beautiful canals as the city's impression of Amsterdam, the city's area is not too large, many famous attractions such as Van Gogh Art Museum, Dam Square, Amsterdam History Museum are also quite gathered, it is also one of the important bases for European business development. , and the world-renowned smart and environmentally friendly city. 37% of the city's citizens travel by bicycle. In 2008, it was selected as the first place in the "World's Greenest City".

"Dam Square" is located in the center of Amsterdam, known as "Amsterdam's navel" and is a landmark building in Amsterdam. It is a five-minute walk from Amsterdam Central Station along "Damrak Street". The name of Amsterdam – Amsterdam, is derived from the name of the dam on the Amstel River. The most striking building on Dam Square is the Royal Palace of Amsterdam, which is very grand, beautiful and full of cultural and artistic atmosphere.
The Royal Palace of Amsterdam was originally used as a city hall. In the 17th century, the Netherlands just got rid of Spanish rule and established the Dutch Republic. At that time, it was in the golden age of the Netherlands. In addition to the flourishing artistic development, it gave birth to great masters such as Rembrandt and Vermeer. The situation is also thriving, it is one of the most prosperous countries in Europe, and Amsterdam is naturally a trade and financial center.

"The Rijksmuseum" is one of the top ten museums in the world. It is definitely a must-visit attraction in Amsterdam. The paintings of the Dutch painter Rembrandt "Night Watch" and Vermeer's "The Maid Pouring Milk" are among the town halls of the Rijksmuseum. Treasure, tourists come to Amsterdam, don't miss to come here to see the famous paintings.

The "Amsterdam Canal" has a total length of more than 100 kilometers, about 90 islands and 1,500 bridges, and the city is thus known as the "Venice of the North". The three main canals: the Grads Canal, the Princes Canal and the Kaiser Canal, were excavated during the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century to form a concentric belt around the city called the Canal Belt.
The successful urban planning of the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century made the canal the most representative symbol of Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Canal, with its extremely high cultural and historical significance, was officially included in the World Cultural Heritage in 2010. Every day, tourists from all over the world take the Amsterdam canal tour to enjoy and experience the beauty of the 1550 monuments along the canal. This will be the most relaxing and popular itinerary, so that all tourists will indulge in the beauty and leisure of the city!

"Zanse Schans" is a must-see attraction for foreign tourists. It can be reached by bus in about 45 minutes from the center of Amsterdam. It is a popular tourist attraction. Zaanse Schans Caravan Village is very well planned. You can not only see the windmills along the trail, but also rent bicycles to tour the whole area. In addition to windmills, Zaanse Schans has other themed attractions, such as cheese factories and wooden shoe factories. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful Europe whether they are taking a cruise on the San River or strolling in the windmill village. Idyllic scenery. Every spring when the tulips are in full bloom, the scenery here is even more pleasant, and any photo can be used as a postcard.

"Kukenhof Park" is located in Lisse, a city rich in flower fields in Amsterdam, North Holland, the Netherlands. It covers an area of ​​32 hectares and is known as the "European Garden". Keukenhof Park was originally a hunting ground for a countess in the 15th century, and plants such as herbs and spices were grown in the backyard for cooking, so the place was named "Keukenhof", which is keuken (kitchen) in Dutch. Combined with hof (garden). There are tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, lilies and other flowers planted in Keukenhof Park. Among them, there are more than 1,000 varieties of tulips, all of which are more than 6 million. During the flowering season, all flowers bloom, creating a beautiful and charming sea of ​​flowers. There are also various theme gardens and flower exhibition halls in Keukenhof Park, raising more than 30 kinds of birds and small animals, allowing tourists to play leisurely and happily in Keukenhof Park, leaving colorful beautiful memories.

"Giethoorn Village" is an agricultural village established by farmers in the 13th century. When the farmers were reclaiming the land, they excavated a large number of goat horns buried in the ground. It is speculated that these goat horns belonged to wild goats that were drowned in the flood in 1170, so the place was called "Geytenhoren", and finally evolved into today's Giethoorn. The Giethoorn Village in the Netherlands is known as the Venice of the Netherlands because of its criss-crossing waterways. The distinctive reed grass roofs and wooden bridges are reflected on the water, making Giethoorn Village a fairy tale-like scenery. It is a must for tourists from all over the world to visit the Netherlands. It is also a holiday destination that the Dutch like to go to during their holidays.

#World style painting "The Green Capital of the World-Amsterdam, the Netherlands" uses oil paintings in the style of the Impressionist master - Monet (Light).

#World style painting "World Green Capital-Amsterdam, The Netherlands" uses oil paintings in the style of Impressionist master Monet (Light), with a limited edition of 1 vibe.


Created on 2022/06/18 15:03:11 UTC

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