四大佛山 五台山 文殊菩薩 Mount Wutai Manjusri Bodhisattva

星辰大海sea168 Chang, Yi-Chen 張伊辰

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星辰大海sea168 Chang, Yi-Chen 張伊辰

四大佛山 五台山 文殊菩薩 Mount Wutai Manjusri Bodhisattva

星辰大海sea168 Chang, Yi-Chen 張伊辰


五台山 文殊菩薩 Mount Wutai Manjusri Bodhisattva




Mount Wutai Manjusri Bodhisattva

Wutai Mountain is located in the northeast corner of Wutai County, Xinzhou City, in the northeastern part of Shanxi Province, China. Han Buddhist traditions believe that it is the dojo of Manjushri, known as "Golden Wutai", ranking first among the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. It is one of the first batch of national key scenic spots and national forest parks announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China, and one of the 35 tourism ace products launched by the country.

Wutai Mountain is not a mountain, but a series of mountain peaks located on the "Roof of North China". The scenic area covers an area of ​​2837 square kilometers and the highest altitude is 3058 meters. Five peaks (Wanghai Peak in Dongtai, Jinxi Peak in Nantai, Cuiyan Peak in Zhongtai, Hangyue Peak in Xitai, and Yedou Peak in Beitai) surround the whole area.

Wutai Mountain is the only Buddhist temple in China where the Qing Temple (Han Buddhism) and the Yellow Temple (Tibetan Buddhism) complement each other. Therefore, Han, Mongolia, Tibetan and other ethnic groups share harmoniously here. It is said that Mount Wutai has 128 temples. There are 47 existing temples in total, 39 inside Tai and 8 outside Tai. Among them, many temples were built and emperors of many dynasties came to pay homage. The famous ones are: Xiantong Temple, Tayuan Temple, Bodhisattva Temple, Nanshan Temple, Dailuoding, Guangji Temple, Wanfo Pavilion, etc. It was officially inscribed on the World Heritage List at the 33rd World Heritage Conference held in Seville, Spain on June 26, 2009.




五台山は、清寺(漢仏教)と黄寺(チベット仏教)が補完し合う中国で唯一の仏教寺院であり、漢、モンゴル、チベットなどの民族が調和して共有しています。五台には128の神殿があると言われています。既存の神殿は全部で47あり、タイ内に39、タイ外に8あり、その中には多くの神​​殿が建てられ、多くの王朝の皇帝が敬意を表するようになりました。有名なものは、顕通寺、太源寺、菩薩寺、南山寺、大羅堂、広済寺、万宝館などです。 2009年6月26日にスペインのセビリアで開催された第33回世界遺産会議で世界遺産リストに正式に登録されました。








The Four Famous Mountains of Chinese Buddhism are the Four Great Bodhisattva Dojos considered by the Chinese Buddhist tradition. Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang is the dojo of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Wutai Mountain in Shanxi is the dojo of Manjushri Bodhisattva, Mount Emei in Sichuan is the dojo of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui is the dojo of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The above four places are also collectively referred to as the "Four Great Bodhisattva Dojos".

Putuo Mountain: Located in Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, it is the dojo of Guanyin Bodhisattva. This mountain, formerly known as Mount Meichen, is famous for the legend of refusing to go to Avalokitesvara. It is considered to be as sacred as Mount Putuo Luojia in India, which is prophesied in the scriptures. Since ancient times, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has often appeared on this mountain. There are countless inspirations and deeds, so it gradually became the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. of the Dojo.

Wutai Mountain: Located in Wutai County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, it is the Manjusri Bodhisattva Dojo. Also known as Qingliang Mountain and Wuding Mountain, it is the permanent residence of Manjushri Bodhisattva in the scriptures.

Mount Emei: Located in Emeishan City, Leshan City, Sichuan Province, it is the Dojo of Puxian Bodhisattva. Legend has it that the ancients saw Samantabhadra Bodhisattva riding a white elephant with six tusks on this mountain, so it was regarded as the Yinghua Dojo of Samantabhadra. The golden top of the mountain has beautiful scenery, and the sunrise and sea of ​​clouds are a major feature.

Jiuhua Mountain: Located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province, it is the dojo of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Legend has it that King Jinjizo, the prince of Silla, the Korean peninsula, came to live here permanently. He once appeared to wrap the entire mountain in a cassock, and received the offerings from the mountain owner. The mountain is also known as the Jizo Bodhisattva Dojo.

Among the Four Foshan Mountains, Wutai Mountain has the most majestic and dense Buddhist temple buildings. The buildings of Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism converge here. The construction of Buddha statues is also the most exquisite, and it is the first of the four Foshan Mountains. Some people also regard the Four Great Foshans as the gathering of the "Four Four" of Buddhism. These "four elements", also known as the "four elements", refer to the basic elements that constitute the four material phenomena of earth, water, fire, and wind. Buddhism believes that all things in the world are composed of the "four elements", and the so-called "four elements are empty" actually means that everything in the universe, including the human body, is illusory and unreal. Chinese Buddhists also refer to the Four Great Daochang as the embodiment of the "Four Great". "Putuo Mountain Chronicle" records:

"The Buddhist scriptures call Ksitigarbha, Avalokitesvara, Puxian, and Manjushri the Buddhist Taoist sites, which are called earth, water, fire, and wind. wind also.



五台山:山西省忻州市五台県にある文殊菩薩道場です。 QingliangMountainおよびWudingMountainとしても知られ、経典にある文殊菩薩の永住権です。



五台山の中で最も雄大で密集した仏教寺院の建物があり、中国仏教とチベット仏教の建物がここに集まっています。仏像の建設も最も精巧で、4つの佛山の最初のものです。 。一部の人々はまた、四大フォーシャンを仏教の「四四」の集まりと見なしています。これらの「4つの要素」は、「4つの要素」とも呼ばれ、地球、水、火、風の4つの物質的な現象を構成する基本的な要素を指します。仏教は、世界のすべてが「4つの要素」で構成されていると信じており、いわゆる「4つの要素が空である」とは、実際には人体を含む宇宙のすべてが幻想的で非現実的であることを意味します。中国の仏教徒はまた、四大大昌を「四大」の化身と呼んでいます。 「普陀山クロニクル」の記録:


四大佛山 九華山 地藏菩薩Jiuhua Shan Kṣitigarbha

四大佛山 峨眉山 普賢菩薩 Samantabhadra

四大佛山 五台山 文殊菩薩 Mount Wutai Manjusri Bodhisattva

四大佛山 普陀山 觀世音菩薩Bodhisattva Avalokitasvara


#Bodhisattva #星辰大海sea168 #五台山 #文殊菩薩 #MountWutai #Manjusri

Created on 2022/03/30 15:59:06 UTC

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