世界風情畫「泰國小桂林普吉島-攀牙灣」新表現主義大師-安塞姆·基弗 (Rifts)風格畫作#12


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世界風情畫「泰國小桂林普吉島-攀牙灣」新表現主義大師-安塞姆·基弗 (Rifts)風格畫作#12




「攀牙灣」Phang-Nga位於普吉島東北75公里處,屬於泰南大陸的攀牙府,接臨安達曼海,西南方為普吉,為馬來半島的一部分,自1981年以來,海灣地區列屬於 攀牙國家公園管理。「攀牙灣」淡綠色的海面上波光粼粼,奇石怪岩星羅棋佈的散落各地,景色變幻萬千,堪稱「世界奇觀」,其中考平甘島、鐵釘島、鍾乳島石洞更以其天然奇景而名聲大噪。尤其是考平甘島因為007系列電影「金槍客」曾在此取景,因此又稱之為007島,或者佔士邦島。
「攀牙灣」遍布著數以百計的石灰岩小島,還有巧奪天工的鐘乳石岩穴和數不清的怪石及海洞。海灣內遍布珍貴的胎生植物紅樹林,紅樹林與小漁村之間有河道,可坐在小船上觀賞紅樹林和小漁村,也可選擇搭乘快艇、長尾船重返因《 007:金槍人》而聲名大噪的經典電影取景場地「攀牙灣」,接著隨着船家前往參觀美麗而燦爛的鑽石洞及滴成冰淇淋形狀之鐘乳石,以及綠水白沙、奇巖怪石地圍繞貝殼洞、蝙蝠洞,或是划著獨木舟探索島嶼秘境,一座座大小島嶼中,還有許多是未被開發的資源,秀麗與純淨的自然資源都被完整的保留下來。欣賞海天一色的美景,不禁令人讚歎造物者之神奇,彷如置身於瑤池仙境之中。

#世界風情畫「泰國小桂林普吉島-攀牙灣」採用新表現主義大師-安塞姆·基弗 (Rifts)風格之油彩畫作。

#世界風情畫「泰國小桂林普吉島-攀牙灣」採用新表現主義大師-安塞姆·基弗 (Rifts)油彩畫作,限量發行 1 個vibe。

The warm and crystal-clear Amanda waters, the graceful white and flawless sandy beaches, the craggy rocks and dotted with stars, the "Phang Nga Bay", known as the "Wonder of the World at Sea".

Painting theme: "Phuket Island - Phang Nga Bay" in Little Guilin, Thailand
Sunshine, sandy beaches and the beautiful ocean form a warm and comfortable "Phuket", the largest resort island in southern Thailand, surrounded by the warm waters of the Amanda Sea. The island also has beautiful beaches, odd-shaped islands, stalactite caves and caves. In addition, the sea water is crystal clear, and the underwater world is rich in tropical fish creatures, so that "Phuket" is full of tourists all year round. Coming to this tropical paradise is like entering a paradise on earth.
"Phang Nga Bay" Phang-Nga is located 75 kilometers northeast of Phuket Island. It belongs to Phang Nga Province on the southern mainland of Thailand. It is adjacent to the Andaman Sea. Phuket is in the southwest. It is part of the Malay Peninsula. The area is listed under the management of Phang Nga National Park. The light green sea of ​​"Phang Nga Bay" is sparkling, and strange rocks and rocks are scattered all over the place. The scenery is ever-changing. It can be called a "world wonder". It is famous for its natural wonders. In particular, Kaopinggan Island is also called 007 Island or James Bond Island because the 007 movie "The Golden Gun" was filmed here.
"Phang Nga Bay" is full of hundreds of limestone islands, as well as intricate stalactite caves and countless strange rocks and sea caves. The bay is full of precious viviparous mangroves. There is a river between the mangroves and the small fishing villages. You can sit on a boat to watch the mangroves and small fishing villages, or you can choose to take a speedboat or a long-tail boat to return to "007: The Man with the Golden Gun" And the famous classic movie location "Phang Nga Bay", followed by boaters to visit the beautiful and splendid diamond cave and stalactites dripping into the shape of ice cream, as well as green water, white sand, strange rocks and rocks surrounding shell caves, bats Caves, or exploring the secrets of the island by canoeing, there are many unexploited resources in the large and small islands, and the beauty and pure natural resources are completely preserved. Admiring the beauty of the sea and the sky, one can't help but admire the magic of the creator, as if in the fairyland of Yaochi.
"Phang Nga Bay" is known as the most beautiful place in Thailand, with towering peaks on the sea, picturesque and majestic scenery, exactly like Guilin's landscape, so it is called "Little Guilin" in Thailand. Attracting millions of tourists every year, it is the emerald of southern Thailand.

#World style painting "Phuket, Little Guilin, Thailand - Phang Nga Bay" uses oil paintings in the style of the Neo-Expressionist master - Anselm Kiefer (Rifts).

#World Style Painting "Phuket Island, Little Guilin, Thailand - Phang Nga Bay" uses oil paintings by Neo-Expressionist master - Anselm Kiefer (Rifts), limited edition of 1 vibes.


Created on 2022/05/12 12:13:18 UTC

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