世界最奇妙的建築之八 「泰國龍廟」莫內池塘畫風油彩畫作


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世界最奇妙的建築之八 「泰國龍廟」莫內池塘畫風油彩畫作



世界之大,無奇不有。有的人夢想楊帆遠行,於是我們看到了各式各樣的船屋;有人夢想過著童話一般的生活,於是我們看到稀奇古怪的樹屋……創意無限,驚奇無限。泰國Wat Sampran龍廟又稱蟠龍寺,造型奇特,具有濃濃的中國風,更增至一探究竟的好奇心!Wat Samphran 蟠龍寺已有二十多年的歷史,但是網路上鮮少有人討論該廟,龍廟總共17層,外觀是由一條巨龍環繞從地面盤旋至頂端非常地霸氣!而巨龍的本身就是一個盤旋而上通往樓頂的通道,但是平時沒有對外開放,除非有福氣的人運氣極佳,遇到慶典活動才有機會一睹真面目。

#泰國龍廟Wat Samphran油彩畫作乃採用莫內池塘畫風。

#泰國龍廟Wat Samphran限量發行 1個vibe,具有良好收藏價值。


The world's great wonders. Some people dream of Yang Fan traveling far away, so we see all kinds of houseboats; some people dream of living a life like a fairy tale, so we see strange tree houses... unlimited creativity and surprise. Wat Sampran Dragon Temple in Thailand is also known as Panlong Temple. Wat Samphran Panlong Temple has a history of more than 20 years, but few people discuss the temple on the Internet. The Dragon Temple has a total of 17 floors. The dragon itself is a passage that spirals up to the top of the building, but it is not open to the public at ordinary times. Unless the lucky ones are very lucky, they will have a chance to see the true face when they encounter the celebration.

#Thai Dragon Temple Wat Samphran oil painting is in the style of Monet's pond.

#Thai Dragon Temple Wat Samphran Limited edition 1 vibe, with good collection value.

Introduction to Monet's Pond Painting Style
In 1890, "Father of Impressionism" Monet spent the second half of his life in Giverny, a small French village. Although his eyes suffered from cataracts in his later years, Monet was very creative and often stayed by the lotus pond. , use colored pens to capture the ever-changing appearance of water lilies in the moment of light and shadow, and realize the various changes of the same theme under different light and atmosphere. "Dayanmen"...and other works show the high brightness and vividness of light and color, interweaving into a gorgeous symphonic poem of light and color.


Created on 2022/04/01 03:19:11 UTC

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